Pembuatan sketsa kebaya modern adalah tahapan atau proses awal pembuatan kebaya modern setelah tahapan konsultasi dengan client. Pada tahapan konsultasi kami menerima brief dari client kami dan setelah itu Ratna Maliki akan membuatkan beberapa sketsa kebaya yang diinginkan oleh client tersebut untuk dipilih salah satu atau semuanya. Sketsa kebaya tersebut original hasil karya Ratna Maliki tanpa menjiplak karya siapapun. Dan ini adalah salah satu sketsa kebaya modern yang pernah dikerjakan.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
aneka seprai bahan dan jadi
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bahan meteran muilai dari harga Rp55.000-85.000
anekagrosirmu juga menyediakan seprai baik yang sudah jadi maupun bahan meteran,untuk seprai yang sudah jadi harganya_pun sangat kompetetif dan spesifikasi bahan dari katun halus.harga mulai dari Rp130.000-160.000_an saja dan seprai siap pakai.untuk paketan berisi 1 seprai(lebar 1,8m x panjang 2m),2 sarung bantal dan satu bantal guling.
bagi yang ingin pesan bahan meteran,bisa hub/sms contact person 0856 4147 1568 atau juga bisa tinggalkan pesan di silahkan sms bahan yang di inginkan.misalkan contoh seperti tokoh cartoon upin-ipin,winny the pooh,motif bunga-bunga,garis-garis dlsbg_nya dan untuk harga bahan meteran mulai dari Rp55.000-
new edition kebaya modern 2011.kebaya wisuda,kebaya manten,kebaya pesta perkawinwn,kebaya kondangan,kebaya besanan,kebaya seragaman among tamu,akhad nikah,tunangan,ijab qobul.
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Untuk edisi kali ini anekagrosirmu online menyuguhkan aneka kebaya 2011,tentunya dengan model-model baru dan harga sangat kompetetif.kebaya ini sangat paaaassssss...dan socok sekali,untuk acara-acara formal seperti : wisuda,among tamu,merit,pesta perkawinan,tunangan,akhad nikah,besanan,kondangan,ijab qobul dlsbgnya.dari spesifikasi kebaya ini mempunyai kegunaan dan keunggulan masing-masing,sehingga kebaya di buat dengan sedemikian rupa dengan pola yang sudah jadi dan tinggal jahit,jika kebaya di pemakai terkesan lebih cantik,ayu,anggun nan eleagan.
stock kebaya terbatas(loimited edition).untuk informasi lebih lanjut hub/sms 0856 4147 1568 atau juga bisa tinggalkan pesan pada email:
anekagrosirmu online menerima sekaligus melayani via pemesanan dalam jumlah porsi yang besar,seperti:seragam among tamu,basanan,karang taruna,seragam kantor,pengajian dll.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
new edition kebaya modern 2011.kebaya wisuda,kebaya manten,kebaya pesta perkawinwn,kebaya kondangan,kebaya besanan,kebaya seragaman among tamu,akhad nikah,tunangan,ijab qobul.
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Untuk edisi kali ini anekagrosirmu online menyuguhkan aneka kebaya 2011,tentunya dengan model-model baru dan harga sangat kompetetif.kebaya ini sangat paaaassssss...dan socok sekali,untuk acara-acara formal seperti : wisuda,among tamu,merit,pesta perkawinan,tunangan,akhad nikah,besanan,kondangan,ijab qobul dlsbgnya.dari spesifikasi kebaya ini mempunyai kegunaan dan keunggulan masing-masing,sehingga kebaya di buat dengan sedemikian rupa dengan pola yang sudah jadi dan tinggal jahit,jika kebaya di pemakai terkesan lebih cantik,ayu,anggun nan eleagan.
stock kebaya terbatas(loimited edition).untuk informasi lebih lanjut hub/sms 0856 4147 1568 atau juga bisa tinggalkan pesan pada email:
anekagrosirmu online menerima sekaligus melayani via pemesanan dalam jumlah porsi yang besar,seperti:seragam among tamu,basanan,karang taruna,seragam kantor,pengajian dll.
Staining and Settlement design drawings
Design improvements that have been created which is called finishing. Coloring is one of the engineering design improvements, making the design look more attractive. In coloring a design we need to understand the ways of shading. Coloring designs or images can be done with color pencils or regular pencils with 2B or 3B code. In addition, the design also can be colored with watercolor or oil paint. Of course, coloring with watercolor or oil paint is different from regular coloring with pencils.
1. Settlement with ordinary pencil
Coloring with a pencil so-called shading technique. In the shading we need to pay attention to dark or bright areas of an image or areas exposed to light with much less exposed to light. Many areas exposed to light appear brighter and arsirannya softer, while the less exposed to light will be shaded thicker. In order to obtain images with good shading, should also be noted that type of pencil used. Pencil for different shading in pencil used to sketch. For shading use a softer pencil or special for shading such as 2B, 3B, etc.
2. Settlement with colored pencils
Technique coloring with colored pencils is not much different from the usual coloring with pencils. In coloring with colored pencils, we need to understand the colors and color combinations that will be used. If the clothing designs made with shades of a given material, we also need to adjust the patterns and colors with the location of the fall clothes on the body. This needs to be trained repeatedly in order to obtain a design with the coloring technique is good and right.
3. Settlement with watercolors and oil paints
Coloring with oil paint or watercolor need special skills. The colors are used first mixed or blended to obtain the desired color. In coloring the designs we also need to pay attention to light from dark colored clothing design. Drawing paper that has been colored with watercolor or oil paint dried beforehand so that color is not damaged.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Contoh Rancangan Design Kebaya Modern
Ratna Maliki memberikan salah satu contoh rancangan kebaya modern yang pernah dibuatnya. Desain tersebut sudah dipakai oleh para client tercinta. Sering kali banyak orang bertanya "apakah kebaya tersebut ready stock?" atau "apakah bisa membuat dengan design yang sama persis seperti ini?" berulang kali kami menjelaskan, semua kebaya dan karya fashion batik atau aksesories lainya yang ada di blog ini, kami design secara exclusive hanya untuk satu orang client dan sudah dipakai oleh para client kami. Jadi tidak ada design yang berulang. Ratna Maliki bukan tidak bisa membuat karya yang sama persis dengan karya designer lain, karena ada etika dalam dunia design dan fashion art, dan kami akan menjelaskan hal tersebut pada setiap calon client kami. Ini sebagai bentuk penghargaan atas sebuah karya seni terutama karya anak bangsa. Kami tidak membajak karya design orang lain.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Some of the tools necessary to draw a basic pattern in the manufacture of clothing
How to draw a few basic patterns of various forms of dress is by paper and the paper it is as a measurement tool appropriate for the fabric that will be used to make clothing (clothing) basic pattern than it is to manufacture paper for garments that have been made fit with fabric to be cut and used to make a shirt or dress.
• Pencil and bool points
Pencil used to draw the pattern on pattern books or patterns on paper. A good pencil used to draw some kind of pattern that is made of graphite pencils, pencil is nice to use and have different sizes. For a little hard with the code H / HB pencil is his writing is clear and easily removed if something goes wrong. Pencil is used to draw the pattern lines, after the pattern is completed, the line with a pencil is sharpened with colored pencil. Red colored pencil to outline the pattern of the face and blue colored pencil to outline the pattern of the back. Help lines sharpen with bollpoin pattern in black.
• Pattern Paper
Paper patterns or can be called a pattern book or book costume is the place to draw a pattern. Paper patterns are important tools for drawing patterns. Paper commonly used for drawing patterns with a paper size is dorslag centimeters, poster board or newsprint. Books pattern used to draw clothing patterns with the size scale. A good pattern book folio-sized paper and white colored, thick and page consists of lined paper and plain paper with the location alternating. Striped pages required to record the size and pattern created record details. Gazette pages are not lined (plain) is used to draw a pattern with a size scale.
• Eraser
Removal should be provided when drawing the pattern, eraser used to clean scratches the wrong pattern. A good eraser is a black colored rubber made from a limp, using this eraser strokes which one will be lost and not leave a mark to obtain satisfactory results.
• tape measure
Tape measure, used to take body size for someone who would make the dress or the size of the model, in addition to the tape measure is also used to draw clothing patterns and is also used at the time of adjustment patterns. Tape measure (cm) there are several kinds of which there is a use centimeter size and there is an inch size and some even use both these measures. Tape measure (cm), which both made of powdered glass or made of limp materials such as plastic, edge is not circulation, should not be stretched, the lines and the second number has a size of the printed surface with a clear, precise size and location of the line on the edge of the ribbon size.
• Ruler
To draw clothing patterns is required ruler / roll dressmaker with different shapes. Straight ruler, used to make straight lines. Curved ruler is used to create curved lines such as line neck circumference, arm circumference concave, collar and side-line skirt. While the ruler right-angled triangle is used to form the corner, such as line agencies and the middle front, middle and rear body line and the line width of the face and back of the line width.
• Scale
Scale or size comparison, is a measuring tool used to draw a pattern on pattern books. There is some kind of scale that exist that use the size of one versus two, one in four, one in six and one in eight. A good scale is made of rather thick paper such as cardboard and rectangular shape, size and location of the line right at the edge of the scale. Edge no circulation, the two surfaces have different scale sizes one of them the size scale of one versus four, because the scale of this size are often used in drawing the pattern of fashion.
• Needles
Good pins made of steel and a length of 3 to 4 cm. Form of a pin / needle penyemat used in the manufacture of a pin pattern is good and there are edges tapered end of the flute pearl handle, so easy in use.
kebaya pinguin afanty nan bohai
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bagi kalangan remaja yang mau wisuda,kondangan ataupun merit...tidak ada salahnya jikalau sedikit melirik koleksi-koleksi anekagrosirmu online.anekagrosirmu online untuk edisi kali ini,menyuguhkan kepada anda yaitu kebaya bordir mawar cornelly tile glitter dengan nuansa warna krem/ifory.untuk kebya ini cukup di bandrol dengan harga Rp370.000 dan itu sudah lengkap 1 paket,termasuk atasan+furing(buat daleman)+batik semi sutera super@2m(untuk bawahannya).
untuk informsasi lebih lanjut hub/sms 0856 4147 1568 atau juga bisa tinggalkan pesan di
anekagrosirmu on line melayani pemesanan dalam porsi jumlah besar seperti:seragaman among tamu,besanan,seragaman karang taruna,dll.
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